søndag den 24. november 2013

Finishing the kitchen tables

Made hole for water tap

Cut hole for sink

Sink is mounted in kitchen table
Before kitchen tables are placed

Kitchen tables placed

mandag den 18. november 2013

Laminating of kitchen table

I have cut the grey laminate out of a big roll (3 m2) and then its clued it on 12mm plywood.
It has to be clued on both sides of the plywood, otherwise the plywood will bend.

Then mahogony lists are glued on all 4 sides,

Waterheater connected

It was a bit tuff job to connect the fitting, hoses and electricity as there are not much space.
Underneath floor is only 5 cm so not so much space to get the hoses through.

lørdag den 9. november 2013


20 ltrs waterheater. Now hoses has to be connected to waterpump and taps.

mandag den 4. november 2013

Mahogany sides

Old piece - where the former owner have cut out for a auto radio. This piece is for starboard side.

New piece made in 6mm mahogany and holes cut out with my jigsaw

New piece (to left) varnished 1. time.
The right piece is for port side and is the original one i have sanded and varnished 1. time too.
Seems to get same color - even there is 35 years between these two pieces...

søndag den 3. november 2013

Replacement of mahogany plywood

How it was before.

Old mahogany plywood removed. Only a thin layer of fiberglass left.
Square hole is from old instrument (engine panel and others).
I will replace these instrument to the right of wheel.
Next step is to make new mahogany plywood to cover fiberglass.

fredag den 1. november 2013

Holdingtank (toilettank) installed

The holdingtank has been made after my drawings. Inlet pipe (to right) is running up inside the tank close to top of tank and will be connected with hose from the toilet. The outlet pipe (to left) will be connected to a 5/4" ball valve and out to sea. So - when i harbour, the ball valve is closed, and when you are at sea (more than 2 nautical miles away from shore), you open the ball valve and empty the tank.
Thats how my system shall works.
There will be a shelf on top of holdingtank, and the fridge will be in front.

Hoses connected. Seems to be perfect.

søndag den 27. oktober 2013

Pantry, toiletrum & salon.

THIS HAS TO BE THE GALLEY (port side of boat).
To left on top a stove/oven and a pot cupboard underneath (there was  drawers here before). To the right a sink and underneath the fridge (before a cupboard was here). Behind, up to the hull side, the toilettank will be mounted and connected to the valves underneath.

Toilet will be mounted on the platform and a sink on a moveable table over the toilet.
There will be cabinets with sliding doors and a shelf on top. Sofa with backrest, and the backrest can also be placed beside sofa to make a double bed. It will be the same in starboard and port side.

mandag den 21. oktober 2013

The boat will be separated so I come in to the bare hull..

Covered for the winter

100 meters or more - of old cables removed
All will be dismounted so i can come in to hull side and repaint

Further pictures will follow

søndag den 20. oktober 2013

LM 27 - named "Siska" - my new project....

Siska - LM 27 build year 1978

Taking out of water
Ready to go to my factory in Humlebæk

Started to empty boat - all been dumped.